In a lot of cases technology help us to have an easier and confortable life, although it can’t heal the allergy, it can help as to control and know what we eat in case of alimentary allergies. Spain has near to 14 million of allergic people and  for this reason the software developers , have not neglected this issue. Exists a lot of app about this disease and we want make and a top 5 with the more helpful apps.

1- R-Alergo

This app develop by the “Hospital de la Fe de Valencia” in collaboration with the Polytechnic University is one of more completes. Firstly you need create a profile and introduce the data. And with the help of maps and know where you must avoid moving, especially in spring, for don’t get in contact with your allergens. Also, this app has geopositioning, then calculates the distance and the time of your walk, so that it can be used by athletes.

2- Polen Control

The “Sociedad de Alergología e Inmunología Clínica” has created this app thinking in this people with pollen as an enemy. Just like the last app, this application it allows to know the distribution of the different allergens by different areas. Also, it allows make a report you can add for when you visit with your doctor. And one of the more important functions is that it sends to you an alert when the levels of pollen are higher

3- Pollen Info

This app also focusing on the pollen and is similar to the previous, nevertheless, it have really good organized the visual elements and have and  who explain 0 to 3 the level of pollen by areas. It allows that quickly we can know the status of our allergens. Nevertheless this app is not in Spanish, and by the moment we only can see on French. Nonetheless, it is easy and intuitive.

4- Niveles de Polen

These applications have and a particularity and it is collect real-time measurement of 85 stations in Spain, Andorra and Portugal for information about the levels of pollen. It is a basic app and the advantage is that it does not take too much space on your mobile phone. The information of this app now a day is only for an Android user, the other platforms must wait for to have this application.

5- Intolerapp

The last one and no by this the less important, is Intoleapp. This app is related with the alimentary allergies and will serve as a tool for day to day. When you start to use this app you should introduce the food which you have allergy, in this way the app is going to help to you to decide if you want consume or not the products. It has a database with more than 10000 products of major supermarkets and scanning the bar code it going to  report you if this product take some allergen. In this way you can save time looking for the small letter in all the tags when you go to the supermarket.