Do allergies can donate blood?

 Do allergies can donate blood?

If you are allergic to any food or any other you may have wondered if you can give blood.

In most cases you can donate, however taking medication allergy can sometimes cause an alteration that prevents the donation. The first thing to note is that allergy is not transmitted through the blood and are contagious for that reason can donate blood.

Thus, an allergic to a food as a remedy that prevents the ingestion of allergen, but does not have a medication, can donate blood normally.

Not so are the people who are receiving treatment in the form of allergy shots. In this case you can also donate, but must take into account that will have to spend at least 72 hours after the last injection to make the donation.


What happens to people who suffer asthma?

Asthmatics who are controlled through the use of aerosols sporadic disease can donate blood without any problems. This medication does not affect the blood as it is directed to the respiratory system.

On the other hand, in the case of allergic rhinitis and other minor allergies, the only requirement is to donate the donor is found free of symptoms the day of the donation. If you have runny nose, coughing or sneezing is preferable to wait to submit and make the donation days later.

The importance of donating is key, as surgery, childbirth and chemotherapy sessions among others dependent on the help of others to get ahead. many bags of blood a day and a small gesture of 20 minutes can save up to three lives, since a donation only divide it into in platelets, plasma and red blood cells that can be used individually for patients with specific diseases are needed.

