Gabriela history and its many food allergies

Gabriela history and its many food allergies

Gabriela (Elche, 27 years) have suffered food allergies since I was little. Today, he tells us how it has evolved over the years and how it has adapted to these rejections of food.

"I'm allergic from 8 or 9 years. It comes from family. My niece, for example, also has many food allergies. I discovered all my reactions to 17. Until then, I had a very bad," says Gabriela.

According to several experts, young children with food allergies often outgrow the when they grow, although not always. To a large extent, it depends on what food are allergic. There are some food allergies that are easier to outgrow than others. For example, most children who are allergic to milk, eggs, wheat or soy outgrow the allergy around 5 years. But only about 20% of allergic to peanuts and around 10% of allergic children to nuts people outgrow their allergies with age. Allergies to fish and seafood usually appear later in life of the person and are even more difficult to overcome with the passage of time.

Food allergies occur when the immune system considers mistakenly that the person ingests something that is harmful to your body. In an attempt to "protect" the body, the immune system makes antibodies against that food. This is what Gabriela every time you take certain foods happens, and until it did not have a medical examination, could not know exactly what allergies suffered exactly:

"The Polaramine syrup was one of my best childhood friends me not away from him ... After several strong episodes, they sent me to an allergist for testing nas with the following results:. Tomato, banana, pepper, nuts, pepper red, orange, apple, kiwi, peach, pineapple, red fruit ... Moreover, dogs, cats and all kinds of pollens, "Gabriela tells us. Until then, completely unaware of why I was such reactions whenever worked out or played with the children from school, after eating the snack. "

This affects not only nutrition and feeding of the person, if not in the daily routine of allergic. These opt often not eating out of home or prepare your own meals without those "forbidden" foods: "I can lead a normal life but always with drugs hand because not all restaurants have a plan allergen and although insist, I can not be trusted. So I chose to take home dinner or dinner with relatives and friends who I know I can dine without fear give me some episode ".

Today, all restaurants and bars must have their plan of allergens in the letter, but as Gabriela says, not all stop cooking with certain foods even if advised of food allergies customer and gravity involved these ingest: "If you do not have a plan allergens, I do not eat dinner. I recently went to a pizzeria. Avisé of my allergies and returned home with a severe allergic reaction. Many are unaware of the severity of a food allergy."